"Follower and Child of God. Lover of life. All things big and small. Beautiful Spirit and Soul. Alpha Kappa Alpha Pretty Girl. Uplifter of Mankind. Spelman Woman. Dedicated to the fight. Educator. Doula. Woman who serves. Breast is Best. Haute style. Friend to many. Sister to some. Loving Daughter. Epic MOTHER...Mother at 22 years old to a son breastfed for six months exclusively with continued breastfeeding for 30 months!"

"Lover of life. Epidemiologist. Trinidadian. Philanthropist. Obsessed with traveling. Learning and scented candles. Friend. Confidant. MOTHER Mother at 27 to a daughter exclusively breastfed for 1 year with supplemental breastfeeding for an additional year (2 years total!)"

"Believer. Child of God. Lactivist. World traveler. Adventurer. Phd student. Dreamer. Incurable optimist. Creator. In full bloom. Advocate. Spelmanite. Nutrition and Fitness enthusiast. Style maven. Nature Lover. Lover of all things pretty. MOTHER. Mother at 22 years old to a daughter breastfed exclusively for 6 months with continued breastfeeding for 15 months."

"Muslim. Believer. Public Health Professional. Foodie. Thrifting enthusiast. Friend. Sister. Daughter. MOTHER. Mother at 29 to a daughter breastfed exclusively for 6 months with plans to breastfeed for at least 1 year."

"My name is Egyptian.The First Daughter. The Coolest Cousin. Older Sister. Bestest Sister Friend. Loving Fiancé. Positive Assistant to All. Super Nurturer. A Black Breastfeeding Woman...Mother. Mother of 2 BEAUTIFUL children. I nursed our daughter for 6 months (she stopped on her own) and am still nursing our son who is about to be 3!"